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News for foreign students

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the South Ural State Medical University,

 Ministry of Health of Russia

 Department of General Hygiene

Schedule of classes of the 3 nd course (5 th semester) in 2024 / 25 academic year

specialty 31.05.01 Medical Science, discipline "Hygiene"   

Schedule of classes of the 2 nd course (4 th semester) in 2024 / 2025 academic year

specialty 31.05.01 Medical Science, discipline "Hygiene"   







Instructor (teacher)

Address, building, classroom







O.V. Avilov, Doctor of Medical Sciences

  Vorovsky Street, 64, Building 2,

classroom № 709





O.V. Avilov, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Vorovsky Street, 64, Building 2,

classroom № 709


 12.30 –14.05   




N.E. Kuchin, Candidate of Medical Sciences,

 Associate Professor

Vorovsky Street, 64, Building 2,

classroom № 709






O.V. Avilov, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Vorovsky Street, 64, Building 2,

classroom № 709





O.V. Avilov, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Vorovsky Street, 64, Building 3,

small hall № 5

                                                                  Exam questions 

Discipline "Hygiene" Course Number: 31.05.01

Class Syllabus

Public Health Department

4-5 Semester/2024-2025 year

Course Title: General Hygiene

Course Number: 31.05.01

Instructor:  Oleg V. Avilov, Doctor of Medical Sciences

                  Office location:  Vorovsky Street, 64, Room 310, Building 2

                  Office hours: W. 15:00 – 17:00 

                  Office telephone:8(351)-261-25-96

                  Email address: avilveschun@gmail.com

Required   materials:Hygiene: textbook/ ed. P.L.Melnichenko-Moscow:GEOTAR-Media,2021

Additional Materials:Shashina , E.A. Educational and methodological textbook for practical classes on hygiene: tutorial/ E.A.Shashina, V.V.Macarova.- M.: GEOTAR-Media,2020

Course Description/Objectives: 

 The Course "General Hygiene" will: 1. inform about the development of Hygiene in the historical retrospective, 2.inform about the place and importance of Hygiene for Medicine,3. develop the ability to apply the knowledge   of Hygiene in medical practice in connection with the changes of socioeconomicconditions.

The main tasks of studying the discipline "General Hygiene" are skills to help people be healthier.

Course Prerequisite:English B1-B2, Basic knowledge on Anatomy and Physiology

Course Policies:  

1. Assessment: Students will be assessed using formative and summative methods such as tests, papers, workshops, quizzes and participation. 

2. Plagiarism: Submitting plagiarized work for an academic requirement is considered misconduct. Plagiarism is the representation of another’s work of ideas as one’s own; it includes the unacknowledged use of another person’s ideas. 

3. Lecture participation: Students are encouraged to participate in the learning process and are responsible for all assigned readings. It is recommended that students complete each reading and assignment prior to the corresponding class.  100% attendance of lectures is required to pass the credit.

4. Practical classes: participation and assignments: Students are required to participate in all practical classes. Attending less than 100% of the workshops is an automatic failure of the course. 

5. Credit and quizzes: Students will have a quiz,including multiple choice  every week in written form. Here are presented two examplesof such quizzes.


1. The popular phrase: "Hygienaest amigo valentudis" ("Hygiene is a companion of health) formulated:

1) IbnSina

2) Paracelsus

3) Hippocrates

4) Democritus

5) Frakastoro


Situational task

When studying the microclimatic conditions in a 3-bed ward with an area of 21m2 (at a depth of 5.5 m and a height of 3.5 m) of the therapeutic department of the hospital, the following data were obtained:

- indicators of the thermometer placed on the light-bearing (outer) wall – 20.50 S, placed on the opposite (inner wall) - 22.00 S, on the inner side wall (at a distance of 3m from the light-bearing wall) - 21.50 S. All measurements were made at a height of 1m from the floor.

Vertical temperature differences amounted to 10C for each meter of the height of the ward.

The relative humidity of the air measured by the aspiration psychrometer was 20%, the air velocity in the center of the ward was 0.05 m/s.

Regulatory documents:

1. SanPiN -10 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities".

2. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises".

3. GOST 30494-96 "Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters".


1. Give a hygienic assessment of the conditions of stay of patients in a 3-bed ward of the therapeutic department. Evaluate the rules for measuring microclimatic parameters in this ward. Give recommendations for improving microclimatic conditions.

2. Answer the following questions:

A) What parameters are used to characterize the microclimate of the premises.

B) Principles of microclimate rationing.

C) Which microclimate parameters are called optimal and acceptable?

D) The effect of microclimate on the human body.

E) What should be taken into account when determining the optimal parameters of the microclimate in medical institutions?

F) Study of the body's reactions to the action of microclimatic factors.

The course will have one final creditat the end of semester.  Students ought to be able to answer, in the written form 3 questions, taken randomly from the whole amount of  234. Preparation time is 30 minutes. Time for answer is 15- 30 minutes.Criteria of assessment:

An "excellent" grade is given to the student if he or she is fluent in terminology, demonstrates excellent knowledge of the topic, combines knowledge from different parts of the discipline, adds comments, explanations and can quickly and accurately illustrate the answer with his or her own examples. Possesses reasoning, competent, accessible and understandable speech;

a "good" "read" grade is given to the student if he or she knows the terminology, makes mistakes, can correct them if used incorrectly, has a good knowledge of the subject, sees the relationships, can make an analysis, but does not always do it on his or her own without the help of a teacher, can sel ect appropriate examples, most often from the materials available. Good reasoning, clarity, conciseness of answers.

A "satisfactory" grade is given to a learner if he rarely uses terms when answering, substitutes one concept for another, does not always understand the difference, answers a specific question only with the teacher's leading questions, can hardly relate theory and practical examples from teaching materials; examples are not always correct. Weak arguments, broken logic in the answer, monotonous forms of presentation of thoughts promotes the same result.

An  'unsatisfactory' or  'unreadable' grade is given to a learner if he or she does not know any professional terminology when answering. To the same grade leads unsure and logically inconsistent presentation of the material. And situation when a student reveals gaps in knowledge of the main teaching material, cannot give examples from the teaching literature, if a student has difficulties to answer the questions raised by the teacher.

6.Attendance. Attendance on a daily basis is a mandatory requirement for all students.




Student      Assignments 


 Lecture1: “The Introduction to hygiene. Goals, objectives, methods of hygienic research. The history of the formation and stages of development of hygiene”

Workshop1 “Hygiene as a science. History of formation and evolution”

Hygiene: textbook/ ed.P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.11-38

Lectures are followed by practical classes. Knowing of the first lecture material is assessed during the first practical class.


Lecture 2: “Teaching about environmental Hygiene. Hygienic regulation principles.”

Workshop 2: “ Hygienic methodology. Population health and environment.”

Hygiene: textbook/ ed. P.L. Melnichenko,2021,pp. 39-68

Workshop on theoretical basis of hygiene, its key postulates and principles, and the role of population health in development of society.


Lecture 3:  “Air hygiene. Pollution of atmospheric air. Atmospheric air protection.”

Workshop 3:  “The meaning of the air medium for human”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.  P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.69-89

Workshop on categories of Air, the structure of earth atmosphere, physical properties of the air.


Lecture 4: “Climate and health”

Workshop 4: “Some hygienic characteristics of the air, and the problem of acclimatization”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.  P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.89-122

Workshop on natural chemical composition of air, bacterial air pollution, various parts of the solar spectrum


Lecture 5: “Water as a factor in the biosphere. Influence of the water on the health status of the population.” Workshop 5 “Meaning of water for human”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.123-151

Shashina,E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. 46-65

Workshop on  physiological and economic importance of water for the human, and on influence of water on population health.


Lecture 6:” Soil and its impact on public health. Pollution and sanitary protection of soil as an ecological and hygienic problem.” Workshop 6 “Hygienic requirements for water quality”


Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.151-172

Shashina,E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. 59-65

Workshop on epidemic safety, and chemical harmlessness of drinking water, water supply sources and their characteristics.


Lecture 7: “Radioactive substances and carcinogens in the environment” Workshop 7 “Methods for improving water quality. Organization of the water supply.

Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.172-185

Shashina,E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. 65-77

Workshop on directions for improving water quality, and on the principles for choosing a source of drinking water.


Lecture 8: “Hygiene of residential and public buildings”

Workshop 8“ Hygienic problems of populated localities”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.   


Workshop on hygienic problems of cities, houses, soil, and environmentally dependent diseases


Lecture 9 “Nutrition as a factor of health. Hygienic foundations of balanced diet” Workshop 9 “ The role of nutrients in ensuring human life and health

Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.213-227

Workshop on importance of nutrients in organism life support


Lecture 10 “Minerals and their importance in human nutrition

Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.227-250

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. 5-20

Workshop on hygienic assessment of nutritional status


Lecture 11”Alimentary-dependent diseases and their prevention”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.250-279

Workshop on the problems of insufficient or excessive nutrition


Lecture 12 “Features of nutrition of various groups of the population”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.279-301

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -20-45

Workshop on the causes of food poisoning and preventive nutrition


Lecture 13“Therapeutic and therapeutic-preventive nutrition, hygienic principles and organization rules”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko,2021,pp.213-301

Review on problems of nutrition


Lecture 14 “Modern hygienic problems of hospital construction. Hygienic measures and sanitary regime in hospitals of various profiles”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.     P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.302-323

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -78-80

Workshop on requirements for hospitals and their departments.


Lecture 15 “Organization of a radiation safety system in radiological departments of hospitals”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.   P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.323-344

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -81-91

Workshop on problem of infections related to medical care


Lecture 16 “Introduction to hygiene of children and adolescents, the state of health of children and adolescents at the present time”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.   P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.345-360

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -92-93

Workshop on the main features of the growth and development of child’s body



Hygiene: textbook/ed.   P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.355-360

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -93-107

Workshop on main stages of age related development


Lecture 17 “Introduction to the occupational health”

Hygiene: textbook/ed.   P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.360-369

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -108-111

Workshop on health status of younger generation and factors that form it



 Hygiene: textbook / ed. P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.360-369

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -111-117

Workshop on comprehensive assessment of the child’s health and development


Lecture 18 “Factors of labor process and prevention of diseases caused by their adverse effect”

Hygiene: textbook  /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.369-381

Workshop on hygienic approaches to environmental optimization for children and adolescents



Hygiene: textbook   /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.360-369

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -117-129

Workshop on assessment of the impact of the learning process on the fatigue and health of students


Lecture 19 “Production emissions as a professional factor”

Hygiene: textbook  / ed. P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.395-407

Workshop on changes in the body in the process of physical work



Hygiene: textbook   /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.395-407

Workshop on changes in the body in the process of mental work


Lecture 20 “Occupational hygiene of medical workers when using a laser”

Hygiene: textbook  / ed. P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.407-413

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -141-143; 148-152

Workshop on influence of organic solvents and toxic gases on the worker’s health



Hygiene: textbook   /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.413-423

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -141-148; 153-154

Workshop on influence of metals and their compounds on the worker’s health


Lecture 21”Fundamentals of the organization of sanitary and hygienic measures in emergency. Hygiene of field accommodation of the stuff”

Hygiene: textbook /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.423-426

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -137-140

Workshop on industrial dust as production factor



Hygiene: textbook   /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.427-434

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -131-137

Workshop on influence of noise and vibration on the worker’s health


Lecture 22 “Fundamentals of the organization of sanitary and hygienic measures in emergency. Hygiene of nutrition of the stuff”

Hygiene: textbook /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.427-434

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -155-166

Workshop on ionizing radiation and electromagnetic radiation as production factors



Hygiene: textbook   /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.436-441

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -168-173; 186-200

Workshop on occupational diseases and injuries


Lecture 23 “Fundamentals of the organization of sanitary and hygienic measures in emergency. Hygiene of water supply of the stuff”

Hygiene: textbook   /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.441-451

Shashina, E.A. Educational and methodological textbook on hygiene: tutorial,2020,pp. -195-204

Workshop on organization of preventive care for industrial workers



Hygiene: textbook   /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.451-461

Workshop on hygiene of agricultural workers



Hygiene: textbook   /ed.  P. L. Melnichenko, 2021, p.462-489

Workshop on healthy lifestyle and its basic elements

Excused: An absence of a student, dueto an illness, doctor’s appointment, or serious illness may be excused. Students must go to the teachers and request make-up work immediately upon their return. The number of days absent plus one will be allowed for every consecutive day missed. The first five absences will only require a phone call to be excused. However, any absence after five will require a call and a doctor’s note upon the return of the student to be excused.

Explained: An explained absence (not an absence due to illness, doctor’s appointment, serious illness) iswhen a student needs a day off with the lecturer’s prior knowledge and approval. Students will be required to obtain assignments for classes to be missed. The assignments will be due on the day the student returns to University. Failure to follow this policy will result in the absence being recorded as an unexcused absence.

Extra-Curricular Activity Absences: Students are allowed 10 activity absences. Activity absence is any absence that is University related or University sponsored. Extra-curricular activities include, but are not limited to, competitive events, and student activities.

Truancy: A student who is absent from University on a regular basis without lecturer authorization, or has a high rate of absenteeism shall be reported to the Dean’s office.

Unexcused: An absence in which the student is out of University that does not qualify as excused or explained. The student will be brought to the office for disciplinary action and will receive no credit (0’s) for all class work missed.

7. Dress code: During the classes students must wear medical uniform.

8. Cell phones: Cell phones must be kept out of sight and the ringer turned off at all times. 

9. Academic misconduct: Any activity that compromises the academic integrity of the course or subverts the educational process will be investigated by the school and dealt with accordingly. Examples include, but are not limited to: cheating on class assignments, plagiarism, falsification of records, unethical computer use, and unauthorized removal of materials fr om the classroom, library or offices.  

10. This syllabus is subject to change. All changes will be announced in class and online with a new syllabus posted.  

Course Evaluation Criteria:

Lectures – 25%   

Workshops – 45% 

Assignments – 15%  

Credit (written assignment)

Course Content Description

Course Competencies and Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to: 

1.0    Analyze and discuss the complexity and importance of Hygiene, consider the steps of hygienic science development.

2.0    Examine and propose how to applyscientific achievements on Hygiene for the future work.

3.0    Name and discuss the basic steps of Hygiene science development.

4.0    Explain the value of scientific revolutions in the Hygiene.

5.0    Identify the approaches to modern medical science development in connection with Hygiene