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Practical lesson 1

"Introduction. The subject and tasks of pathophysiology. Historical stages of development of pathophysiology Modeling of pathological processes"

1.                  Pathological physiology. Subject, purpose, objectives, its place among other medical disciplines.

2.                  The importance of pathophysiology in medicine.

3.                  Historical stages of pathophysiology development.

4.                  Methods of pathological physiology.

5.                  Experimental modeling of diseases: its types, possibilities and limitations.


Practical lesson 2

"General nosology. Etiology, pathogenesis. Damage levels. Disease, definition, the main components of the disease – pathological reaction, pathological process, pathological condition. Stages, outcomes of the disease"

1.                  General nosology as a branch of pathophysiology. Basic concepts of general nosology: pathological reaction, pathological process, pathological condition. Examples. The concept of a typical pathological process.

2.                  Norm, health, the transitional state of the body between health and illness (pre-illness). Examples.

3.                  Disease: definition of the concept, stages of the disease, outcomes. Specific and nonspecific, general and local manifestations of the disease. The concept of the syndrome.

4.                  Recovery: mechanisms, the role of protective, compensatory and restorative reactions. The concept of sanogenesis.

5.                  Etiology: term, definition of the concept. The role of causes and conditions in the occurrence and development of diseases. Theoretical and practical significance of the study of etiology.

6.                  Classification and characterization of etiological factors. Iatrogenic diseases.

7.                  Pathogenesis: term, definition of concept, initial, leading links of pathogenesis. Examples.

8.                  Causal relationships in pathogenesis: "vicious circles", their role and examples.

9.                  The importance of studying etiology and pathogenesis. The concept of etiotropic, pathogenetic, symptomatic, sanogenetic, substitution therapy.

10.              Pathophysiological basis of resuscitation. Post-resuscitation disorders and post-resuscitation illness.


Practical lesson 3

"Reactivity of the body and its significance in pathology. The structure of the body. The influence of pathogenic environmental factors on the body"

1.                  Reactivity of the organism: definition of the concept, types of reactivity. Examples.

2.                  Reactivity of the organism: forms of reactivity. Examples.

3.                  Methods for assessing the reactivity of the patient.

4.                  Factors of the external and internal environment that affect reactivity. The importance of studying reactivity.

5.                  Resistance of the organism: definition of the concept, nonspecific and specific factors of resistance, examples of their violations.

6.                  The constitution of the organism: definition of the concept, classification. The dependence of reactivity on the human constitution.


Practical lesson 4

"Cell damage"

1.                  Cell damage: definition of the concept, causes, mechanisms of cell damage.

2.                  Specific and non-specific manifestations of cell damage, examples.

3.                  Disorders of regulation of intracellular processes: pathology of the receptor apparatus of the cell, examples.

4.                  Disorders of regulation of intracellular processes: pathology of G-proteins, secondary messengers, examples.

5.                  Mechanisms of disruption of the energy supply of cells. Mitochondrial cytopathies, examples.

6.                  Mechanisms of cell membrane damage. The significance of free radical oxidation processes in cell damage.

7.                  Mechanisms of oxidative stress. Antioxidant protection system.

8.                  Mechanisms of short- and long-term compensation in response to cell damage. Examples.

9.                  Ischemia – reperfusion syndrome: etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations. Examples.

10.              Mechanisms of cell death. Comparative characteristics of apoptosis and necrosis. Examples of strengthening and insufficiency of apoptosis in pathology.


Practical lesson 5

"Overview lesson"

1.       Pathological physiology. Subject, purpose, objectives, its place among other medical disciplines. The importance of pathophysiology in medicine.

2.       Methods of pathological physiology. Experimental modeling of diseases: its types, possibilities and limitations.

3.       General nosology as a branch of pathophysiology. Basic concepts of general nosology: pathological reaction, pathological process, pathological condition. Examples. The concept of a typical pathological process.

4.       Norm, health, the transitional state of the body between health and illness (pre-illness). Examples.

5.       Disease: definition of the concept, stages of the disease, outcomes. Specific and nonspecific, general and local manifestations of the disease. The concept of the syndrome.

6.       Recovery: mechanisms, the role of protective, compensatory and restorative reactions. The concept of sanogenesis.

7.       Etiology: term, definition of the concept. The role of causes and conditions in the occurrence and development of diseases. Theoretical and practical significance of the study of etiology.

8.       Classification and characterization of etiological factors. Iatrogenic diseases.

9.       Pathogenesis: term, definition of concept, initial, leading links of pathogenesis. Examples.

10.   Causal relationships in pathogenesis: "vicious circles", their role and examples.

11.   The importance of studying etiology and pathogenesis. The concept of etiotropic, pathogenetic, symptomatic, sanogenetic, substitution therapy.

12.   Pathophysiological basis of resuscitation. Post-resuscitation disorders and post-resuscitation illness.

13.   Reactivity of the organism: definition of the concept, types and forms of reactivity. Examples. Methods for assessing reactivity in a patient.

14.   Factors of the external and internal environment that affect reactivity. The importance of studying reactivity.

15.   Resistance of the organism: definition of the concept, nonspecific and specific factors of resistance, examples of their violations.

16.   The constitution of the organism: definition of the concept, classification. The dependence of reactivity on the human constitution.

17.   Cell damage: definition of the concept, causes, mechanisms of cell damage. Examples of specific and non-specific manifestations of cell damage.

18.   Disorders of regulation of intracellular processes: pathology of the receptor apparatus of the cell, G-proteins, secondary messengers, examples.

19.   Mechanisms of disruption of the energy supply of cells. Mitochondrial cytopathies, examples.

20.   Mechanisms of cell membrane damage. The significance of free radical oxidation processes in cell damage. Mechanisms of oxidative stress. Antioxidant protection system.

21.   Mechanisms of short- and long-term compensation in response to cell damage. Examples.

22.   Ischemia – reperfusion syndrome: etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations. Examples.

23.   Mechanisms of cell death. Comparative characteristics of apoptosis and necrosis. Examples of strengthening and insufficiency of apoptosis in pathology.


Practical lesson 6

"Inflammation. Etiology, the main components of the pathogenesis of the inflammatory process"

1.                  Inflammation: term, definition, etiology, local and systemic signs of inflammation, their pathogenesis.

2.                  Primary and secondary alterations, changes in the vessels of the microcirculatory bed during inflammation, pathogenesis, manifestations.

3.                  Pathogenesis of edema in inflammation. The role of biologically active substances in the regulation of vascular wall permeability. Types of exudates, examples.

4.                  Metabolic disorders in the focus of inflammation.

5.                  Inflammatory mediators, classification, their sources and role in the formation of inflammation.

6.                  Leukocyte reactions in inflammation: mechanisms of chemotaxis, adhesion, emigration.

7.                  The role of leukocytes in inflammation. Phagocytosis, stages. Oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent killing mechanisms.

8.                  The stage of proliferation in inflammation: the main stages, mechanisms and types of repair, stimulators and inhibitors of proliferation.

9.                  The relationship of local and general signs in inflammation, their pathogenesis. Biological significance of inflammation.

Practical lesson 7

"Inflammation. The acute phase response"

1.                  Chronic inflammation: etiology features.

2.                  Chronic inflammation: features of pathogenesis, examples of diseases.

3.                  Principles of anti-inflammatory therapy.

4.                  Acute phase response: definition of the concept, meaning, pathogenesis of manifestations.

Practical lesson 8

"Pathophysiology of the immune system. Allergy.
Classification of allergic reactions. The main allergic reactions"

1.                  Allergy: definition of the concept, classification of allergic reactions according to Jell and Coombs.

2.                  Allergens: definition of the concept, classification. Routes of entry into the body. The concept of sensitization and desensitization. Drug allergy.

3.                  General pathogenesis of allergic reactions. Stages of allergic reactions.

4.                  Allergic reactions of type I (anaphylactic). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment.

5.                  Allergic reactions of type II (cytotoxic). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment.

6.                  Allergic reactions of type III (immunocomplex). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment. Serum sickness.

7.                  Type IV allergic reactions (cell-mediated). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment.

8.                  Anaphylactoid (pseudoallergic reactions). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment.

Practical lesson 9

"Pathophysiology of the immune system.
Immunodeficiency: primary and secondary. Autoimmune diseases"

1.                  Autoimmune diseases: definition, etiology, pathogenesis, examples.

2.                  The role of environmental factors in the development of autoimmune diseases.

3.                  Primary immunodeficiency conditions. Etiology, pathogenesis, examples.

4.                  Secondary immunodeficiency conditions. Etiology, pathogenesis, examples.

Practical lesson 10

"Fever. Hyperthermia. Hypothermia"

1.                  Fever: definition of the concept, etiology.

2.                  Pathogenesis of fever. Thermoregulation at different stages of fever.

3.                  Types of febrile reactions, their diagnostic significance. The concept of pyrotherapy.

4.                  Changes in metabolism, function of organs and systems in fever.

5.                  The biological significance of fever. The difference between fever and overheating of the body.

6.                  Overheating of the body: definition of the concept, etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations. The main violations of thermoregulation during overheating.

7.                  Pathogenesis of overheating syndromes: heat exhaustion, heatstroke, sunstroke; malignant fever, heat injury during overstrain (marching fever).

8.                  Hypothermia: definition of the concept, etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations. Therapeutic hypothermia.


Practical lesson 11

"Hypoxia. Hyperoxia"

1.                  Hypoxia. Definition of the concept. Classification. Mechanisms of hypoxic necrobiosis.

2.                  Hypoxic hypoxia: types, etiology, pathogenesis. Mountain sickness, altitude sickness.

3.                  Etiology and pathogenesis of hemic hypoxia.

4.                  Etiology and pathogenesis of circulatory hypoxia.

5.                  Etiology and pathogenesis of histotoxic hypoxia.

6.                  Hyperoxia as a cause of hypoxia. Hyperoxygenation, therapeutic and pathological effects.

7.                  Urgent and long-term compensation mechanisms for hypoxia.

Practical lesson 12

"Overview lesson"

1.                  Inflammation: term, definition, etiology, local and systemic signs of inflammation, their pathogenesis.

2.                  Primary and secondary alterations, changes in the vessels of the microcirculatory bed during inflammation, pathogenesis, manifestations.

3.                  Pathogenesis of edema in inflammation. The role of biologically active substances in the regulation of vascular wall permeability. Types of exudates, examples.

4.                  Pathogenesis of edema in inflammation. Metabolic disorders in the focus of inflammation.

5.                  Inflammatory mediators, classification, their sources and role in the formation of inflammation.

6.                  Leukocyte reactions in inflammation: mechanisms of chemotaxis, adhesion, emigration.

7.                  The role of leukocytes in inflammation. Phagocytosis, stages. Oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent killing mechanisms.

8.                  The stage of proliferation in inflammation: the main stages, mechanisms and types of repair, stimulators and inhibitors of proliferation.

9.                  Chronic inflammation: features of etiology, pathogenesis, examples of diseases. Principles of anti-inflammatory therapy.

10.              The relationship of local and general signs in inflammation, their pathogenesis. Biological significance of inflammation. Features of inflammation in childhood

11.              Acute phase response: definition of the concept, meaning, pathogenesis of manifestations.

12.              Allergy: definition of the concept, classification of allergic reactions according to Jell and Coombs.

13.              Allergens: definition of the concept, classification. Routes of entry into the body. The concept of sensitization and desensitization. Drug allergy.

14.              General pathogenesis of allergic reactions. Stages of allergic reactions.

15.              Allergic reactions of type I (anaphylactic). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment.

16.              Allergic reactions of type II (cytotoxic). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment.

17.              Allergic reactions of type III (immunocomplex). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment. Serum sickness.

18.              Type IV allergic reactions (cell-mediated). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment.

19.              Anaphylactoid (pseudoallergic reactions). Examples. Etiology, pathogenesis, principles of prevention and treatment.

20.              Autoimmune diseases: definition, etiology, pathogenesis, examples. The role of environmental factors in the development of autoimmune diseases.

21.              Primary and secondary immunodeficiency conditions. Etiology, pathogenesis, examples.

22.              Fever: definition of the concept, etiology. The biological significance of fever. The difference between fever and overheating of the body.

23.              Types of febrile reactions, their diagnostic significance. The concept of pyrotherapy.

24.              Pathogenesis of fever. Thermoregulation at different stages of fever.

25.              Changes in metabolism, function of organs and systems in fever. The biological significance of fever.

26.              Overheating of the body: definition of the concept, etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations. The main violations of thermoregulation during overheating.

27.              Pathogenesis of overheating syndromes: heat exhaustion; heatstroke, sunstroke; malignant fever, heat injury during overstrain (marching fever).

28.              Hypothermia: definition of the concept, etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations. Therapeutic hypothermia.

29.              Hypoxia. Definition of the concept. Classification. Mechanisms of hypoxic necrobiosis.

30.              Hypoxic hypoxia: types, etiology, pathogenesis. Mountain sickness, altitude sickness.

31.              Etiology and pathogenesis of hemic and circulatory hypoxia.

32.              Etiology and pathogenesis of histotoxic hypoxia.

33.              Hyperoxia as a cause of hypoxia. Hyperoxygenation, therapeutic and pathological effects.

34.              Urgent and long-term compensation mechanisms for hypoxia.

Practical lesson 13

"Pathophysiology of metabolism. Violations of acid-base balance"

1.                  The concept of acid-base balance: definition of the concept, role in the body, mechanisms of regulation.

2.                  The concept of acid-base state: basic indicators, classification of violations of acid-base balance.

3.                  Gas acidosis, etiology, pathogenesis, compensation mechanisms, clinical and laboratory manifestations.

4.                  Non-gas acidosis, etiology, pathogenesis, compensation mechanisms, clinical and laboratory manifestations.

5.                  Gas alkalosis, etiology, pathogenesis, compensation mechanisms, clinical and laboratory manifestations.

6.                  Non-gas alkalosis, etiology, pathogenesis, compensation mechanisms, clinical and laboratory manifestations.


Practical lesson 14

"Pathophysiology of metabolism. Violations of water metabolism. Edema"

1.                  The balance of water in the body, the mechanisms of its regulation. Classification of water exchange disorders.

2.                  Hypohydration: classification, etiology, pathogenesis, compensation mechanisms.

3.                  Hyperhydration: classification, etiology, pathogenesis, compensation mechanisms.

4.                  Edema: definition of the concept, types, pathogenesis.

5.                  Pathogenesis of edema in heart failure.

6.                  Pathogenesis of edema in nephrotic syndrome.

7.                  Pathogenesis of inflammatory, fasting and hepatic edema.


Practical lesson 15

"Pathophysiology of metabolism. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism: hypo- and hyperglycemia. Diabetes mellitus"

1.                  Hyperglycemic conditions: types, mechanisms of development, significance for the body.

2.                  Hypoglycemic conditions: types, mechanisms of development, significance for the body. Hypoglycemic coma.

3.                  Diabetes mellitus: definition of the concept, classification, criteria. The mechanism of action of insulin.

4.                  Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: etiology, pathogenesis.

5.                  Insulin-independent diabetes mellitus: etiology, pathogenesis.

6.                  Diabetes mellitus: pathogenesis of manifestation, principles of prevention and therapy.

7.                  Diabetic comas: ketoacidotic. Etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations.

8.                  Diabetic comas: hyperosmolar, lactic acidemic. Etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations.


Practical lesson 16

"Pathophysiology of tumor growth"

1.                  Tumor growth: definition of the concept. The tumor as a hyperbolic process.

2.                  Etiology of tumors: physical and chemical carcinogens. Predisposing factors of the occurrence of tumor diseases.

3.                  Etiology of tumors: biological carcinogens.

4.                  The role of epigenetic disorders in the development of malignant neoplasms.

5.                  The initiation stage in carcinogenesis. The concept of proto-oncogenes, anti-oncogenes and their products.

6.                  The stage of promotion in carcinogenesis. Tumor atypism and its types.

7.                  Tumor progression: mechanisms and consequences. Mechanisms of invasive growth and metastasis. Types of metastasis.

8.                  Antiblastoma resistance of the body: immune and non-immune factors.

9.                  Benign and malignant tumors.


Practical lesson 17

"Test control in general pathophysiology"


Part I
Test control

Part II

Discussion of the results of individual work


Practical lesson 18

"Pathophysiology of metabolism.
Disorders of the metabolism of macro and microelements"

1.                  Violation of sodium metabolism: etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations.

2.                  Violation of potassium metabolism: etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations.

3.                  Violation of calcium metabolism: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations.

4.                  Violation of phosphorus metabolism: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations.

5.                  Violation of magnesium metabolism: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations.